Online Career Interests Profile
for Students

What is the Career Interest Profile?

The Career Interest Profile is a great place to start to identify your strengths. This assessment helps our clients analyse their personalities. It allows us to identify not just your strengths but areas of weaknesses too, so that you can focus on what will make you happier and more successful.

Examples of career choices by personality types:

  • Realistic – Mechanic, Technician
  • Investigative – Researcher, Scientist
  • Enterprising – Sales, Marketing
  • Artistic – Designer, Writer
  • Social – Nurse, Teacher
  • Conventional – Accounting, Administration
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Choose a career you can flourish in!

Choosing a career that is sustainable, meaningful and one that makes you happy, can be tough. Understanding all the career options out there can be overwhelming. At Swivel Careers, we will help you identify your strengths and career options so you know where you are going.

Some years later, while graduating high school, we hear the sentiment ‘do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life’, a countless time. Again, finding a career that we are wildly passionate about, may not always make our life a big tropical vacation.

What is crucial is to identify career interests that are unique to every individual and echo our preferences for certain activities. When the career we choose to pursue is aligned with our interests, we are motivated to perform better. Develop ourselves further with relevant knowledge and skills and set higher goals for ourselves.

The first step is to evaluate or assess your skills and passions through a structured online career interest profile. The assessment will easily help you identify and design your future by recognising the infinite possibilities in you that you often do not realise yourself.

What our Clients say about Swivel Careers:

Test only testimonials if any and specially from those who have come back for coaching after taking the tests